My services.



The TitanMaker process has significantly improved my quality of life.  I had experienced constant anxiety and stress in my relationships.  As I began to practice the process of TitanMaker, I realized I felt more at peace.  Gradually this process became a part of how I did life.  For the last 15 years I have genuine inner peace, confidence, and my relationships are healthy.  

My vision is to share this process with young families, so when implemented, they will experience peace within their family, but most of all peace from within.

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The materials used for learning this technique is a step-by-step process of self-identification, processing, and implementation.  As your coach I will guide you through the steps to finding a solution. 


Invest in your child’s future relationships

I will coach you to teach these techniques to your children. They will learn to effectively communicate and process their emotions when dealing with day-to-day issues and conflicts.  Instead of resorting to screaming and hitting, you can effectively guide your children through the steps, teaching them to resolve their issues.  Then watch as they use these techniques with their playmates to effectively resolve disputes.  It’s an amazing process.